“The Unemployee of the year”

Two related events caught my attention in this week. The first was an article by Brazil’s leading newspaper, Globo (http://oglobo.globo.com/economia/um-quinto-dos-jovens-nem-estuda-nem-trabalha-nem-busca-emprego-6109028), quoting a study made by Professor Adalberto...
“Would you stay with us if you’d won the Lottery?”

“Would you stay with us if you’d won the Lottery?”

“Would you stay in this job if you’d win the Lottery?” This is the question I have started to ask our young and promising talents in the Enablers network… It came to me after reading a recent article in the Brazilian newspaper “Globo”: All employees from the...

Appreciative Inquiry and the power of the positive (by Marvin Faure)

In my previous post, Social Constructionism and the Power of Engagement, I wrote about how we can create a healthy, upbeat organizational climate by favouring dialogue over monologue. I also built on Michael’s post on the use of language and suggested that if you want...

Social Constructionism and the power of engagement (by Marvin Faure)

I’d like to take the opportunity to build on Michael’s post “The US 7th Cavalry and the Quantum Zeno Effect” and introduce explicitly an idea that has been hinted at a few times here without ever being directly addressed. Michael’s main point was that, very often, top...

2012: Our opportunity to unveil the Hero within ourselves!

“Strategy is not about guessing the future but preparing for whatever it will be!”. Many of you have heard our friend and partner Nick van Heck claim this. And preparing our organizations, start with preparing ourselves, as leaders and human beings. Many...

Disrupt or be Disrupted: the Principles of War by Michael Newman

In 1988, as a newly commissioned Officer in the British Army, the world of disruption was my context. As a commander of 28 Royal Engineer soldiers (the famous ‘Sappers’) I was a very small, but I like to think important, part of the NATO master plan to defend Western...