“Concrete steps to lead in a complex environment Part. II”

“Concrete steps to lead in a complex environment Part. II”

Nick van Heck and Berend Jan Hilberts, our partners from Executive Learning Partnership[1], recently shared with me an excellent HBR article[2] from David Snowden founder of “The Cognitive Edge”[3]. Snowden suggests an interesting frame for preparing ourselves to lead...

"Concrete steps to lead in a complex environment"

In the (not so) old days, problems were solved through a four to five steps approach: Problem definition and scope Root cause analysis Selection of solution Implementation Monitoring and feedback It is clear, one-dimensional, sequential, linear and reassuring: For...

“From passive consumption to active co-creation”

“This was the best experience of my professional career: the program you designed kept external interventions to the minimum and allowed us to share our own experiences, learn together and from each other. We now feel that our future does not depend from consultants...

“Going down, all the Saints are helpful”

“Para descer, todo Santo ajuda” (to go down all the Saints are helpful) say the pragmatic people of the Brazilian state of Bahia (where my wonderful wife comes from). A recent event brought this old saying back to the surface: the Fundação Dom Cabral (www.fdc.org.br)...
When Followers Give  Legitimacy To Their Leader

When Followers Give Legitimacy To Their Leader

Duncan Sterling was the kind of student any Dean would dream of having on their M.B.A. as his sharp mind and remarks were keeping faculty on the edge and he would “take no bullshit”… I guess he hasn’t changed much! He commented on a recent post of this blog and added...