Our Blog

Our blog’s inspiration comes from the work we do, the knowledge shared between our clients and us. It is dedicated to effective leadership.

MBTI Typology and the Disruption Economy (part I)

M.B.T.I. (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is one of the World’s most used and researched psychometrics. Invented by Mrs Briggs and her daughter, Mrs Myers, it refers to the typology of one of psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis “geniuses”, the Swiss Medical Doctor...

A tribute to my Ukrainian and Russian Friends

A tribute to my Ukrainian and Russian Friends

“I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell; you see, I have friends in both places.” I always loved this quote of Mark Twain and it sadly resonates these days. My intention is not to jump on the Ukrainian slaughter bandwagon and draw abusive leadership...

A useful tool to address conflict, dilemmas and coaching

A useful tool to address conflict, dilemmas and coaching

Last week’s article on Dilemma Leadership elicited a lot of private mails, asking for support in how to identify and construct the two axis of a dilemma (between which the leader will constantly arbitrate and navigate). A Dutch client showed me a model, attributed to...

Multitasking does not belong to the Disruption Economy

Multitasking does not belong to the Disruption Economy

I must confess that multitasking (or was it hiding my natural tendency for procrastination?) started early with me… I remember the difficulty I had to focus on doing my afternoon homework, prior to dashing out towards liberation, i.e. the football practice with my...

Disruptive Leadership in 2022 and beyond

Disruptive Leadership in 2022 and beyond

As per explained in my previous article, it is since 2008/2009 that my interest is focused on the “Disruption Economy” and its impact on Leadership, following a study made with 14 Brazilian C.E.O.s and Fundação Dom Cabral. Early 2020, of course, I was taken completely...

Thanking you all who made a difference in 2021

Thanking you all who made a difference in 2021

From a business perspective, 2021 was another (to say the least...) "challenging year" (not to call it "annus horibilis", since I am not yet the Queen of England). As most of our work happens outside Switzerland and consists to have top executives from all over the...

The Great Resignation and the Search for Purpose

In case you haven’t heard from it yet, I can’t let you finish the year without knowing of the latest buzzword “à la mode”: The Great Resignation (i.e. giving-up my job). So what is “The Great Resignation” phenomenon? In the USA and UK, an abnormally high number of...

Maybe should you provoke a high employee turnover?

A few days ago, I was having an exchange of views with a Brazilian business leader I highly consider. The topic was about employees’ turnover. Like most of us, I assume, I considered it as negative if not very costly. In traditional businesses (still the vast majority...

How well does your leadership team keep your iceberg afloat?

How well does your leadership team keep your iceberg afloat?

Almost twelve years ago, a client and friend, Beat Blaesi (Leadership Development Director at Bank Julius Baer at the time) introduced me to Patrick Lencioni’s “Five Dysfunctions of a team” and I shared its model with you, in an article. I now regularly work (I should...

A New Way of Thinking for the Disruption Economy

We have all seen where a wonderful idea such as Facebook (from creating a platform where people living far apart from each other could reconnect with each other, to becoming a major tool of misinformation at the service of dictatorships or haters) went through time or...

When a Composer meets a Professor of Strategic Innovation

I often quote the work of Babson Professor, Jay Rao, on this blog. I like his down to Earth, thought provoking and unorthodox approach to things. Like many of you know, Nick McRoberts is one of my closest Business Partner but he is also a conductor and composer in...

Mobile: +41 79 435 1660

Skype: didiermarlier

5 Route du Village

1884 Villars-sur-Ollon

CH - Switzerland

“Engaging Leadership” has been written for leaders who are about to engage their organisations in change."

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