Our Blog

Our blog’s inspiration comes from the work we do, the knowledge shared between our clients and us. It is dedicated to effective leadership.

Why we don’t believe in training

I recently wrote here an article warning on the fact that Webinars and Distance Learning were not to be discarded of course but would partially or totally fail to address the Ethos and Pathos critical components of any experience intending to produce a lasting impact...

The Future is for Humble Leaders

I am wondering these days if anyone will still want to hear about joining a webinar in the future, since we have been flooded by them for the past 6 weeks. I confess to have taken part to two of them (with friends I enjoy working with, The Futures Agency, StratX and...

When we come out the other side…

When we come out the other side…

Andy Barham was a patient invited to speak at the Convention of a medical device company. I was invited to talk about Change Leadership. Andy stunned the audience by his authenticity, simplicity and humour. But like many of those "Comedy Artists", Andy also has a...

Will you follow a leader who says “Me First”?

Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli Historian and Professor and probably the most listened to futurist and thinker of the XXIst century. Here is an article (free viewing) he just wrote for the Financial Times (20th March 2020) in which he elegantly summarized in this...

From Leading my Team to Engaging a Community

The reason for talking about “Engaging a Community” is that it becomes increasingly relevant in the Disruption Economy! The Disruption Economy will strongly impact the way we consider Strategy, Organization and Leadership. As I like to explain, it will demand to...

Reasons to believe in Mankind!

Dear readers, dear friends, I owe you an apology for letting our blog down in the 2nd part of 2019! This is due to a lot of (wonderful) work. Since mid-August I am on a 7/7 rhythm. As this will slow down in 2020, I will get back to my weekly habit of sharing...

Is this truly a leadership topic?

When Saul Bekin, a Brazilian consultant and business mentor, shared a TED speech titled “Sleep is your superpower”, and commenting it with “Unmissable”, I confess that my first thought was “Thank you for confirming that LinkedIn increasingly seems like Facebook...

Learning to let go: The fifth step in Tuckman cycle

You probably all heard about a classic in team dynamics, called the Tuckman cycle: When assembling, a team (even a couple of people) tends to start with a stage called "Forming" (socialisation, need for inclusion), then it will naturally migrate towards "Storming"...

“Be the bird” by Hamilton Mann

“Be the bird” by Hamilton Mann

Hamilton Mann is the Group Director, Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation at Thales, an 80'000 people French multinational I came across this article he recently wrote on the topic of innovation. The reason to republish it, with his consent, is that, exactly...

Am I a stone carver or a Cathedral builder?

I work a lot with the themes of Purpose and Deep Intent. A few days ago, I came across a very interesting Cassie Werber’s article dedicated to the same topic. Putting the record straight, INSEAD professor Gianpiero Petriglieri claims that, if it is fundamental to give...

You never will be too empathetic!

Recently, Korn-Ferry published an article about feedback, which was quickly interpreted by some as “too much empathy isn’t good!”. My reply to one of them was that, after 35 years of professional life, I was still expecting to find anyone loaded with too much empathy!...

Mobile: +41 79 435 1660

Skype: didiermarlier

5 Route du Village

1884 Villars-sur-Ollon

CH - Switzerland

“Engaging Leadership” has been written for leaders who are about to engage their organisations in change."

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