Marie Emmanuelle PY

Marie Emmanuelle’s calling : supporting individuals and teams/crews in the transformations they seek by bringing back their sense of freedom, accountability and commitment to the core of their work.

Born in a motley and multicultural family with very strong inclusion values, Marie Emmanuelle experimented the power of values and mission driven crew on warships. She has a long experience in collective intelligence at the service of excellence. Driven by the conviction that, in the end, true strength and success emerge from powerful relationships with oneself and with others, she is now dedicated in personal and team coaching.

She lives in France between Paris and Oléron and is a sailor, tango dancer, and happy mother of 4.

Languages: French (native), English (Professional Proficiency)

Education: Naval & Atomic Engineering (Ecole Navale & INSTN), Executive & Team Coaching (Transformance, V. Lenhardt), Existential Analysis (EFrATE)

Focus: Purpose, Team Spirit Dynamics, Psychological Safety Culture, Experiential Learning.

Past experience: French Navy Officer, Nuclear Safety Expert, Executive & Team Coach

Personal site:,


Mobile: +41 79 435 1660

Skype: didiermarlier

5 Route du Village

1884 Villars-sur-Ollon

CH - Switzerland

“Engaging Leadership” has been written for leaders who are about to engage their organisations in change."

4 + 11 =