Charlotte MADER

Charlotte’s professional purpose is to reveal the potential of atypical and high-potential profiles.

Her unique Coaching method using Neuro Linguistic Programmation and Mindfulness awakens people’s multiple potentialities and helps them develop meaningful projects.

At a collective level, Charlotte’s mission is to help teams define their vision and engage their team members through a body, mind and heart alignment. She also promotes a culture of inclusion and animates a workshop to help fight unconscious bias.

She lives in Annecy, France and spends her time either hiking, ski touring or windsurfing on the lake.

Languages: French (native), English

Education: Master of Science in Management (EMLYON Business School), NLP, Coaching

Focus: Coaching, Collective Intelligence, High Potentials

Past experience: Export Management& Marketing in the FMCG industry (Nestlé)

Personal site:


Mobile: +41 79 435 1660

Skype: didiermarlier

5 Route du Village

1884 Villars-sur-Ollon

CH - Switzerland

“Engaging Leadership” has been written for leaders who are about to engage their organisations in change."

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