Michael NEWMAN

Michael’s professional purpose is to infect other people with his passion for learning and growth. His premise is that anyone who combines self-discipline with an appetite for development can evolve and adapt to face whatever challenges life throws at them. His coaching style is high support and high challenge.

He works in a network of networks, each with different flavours, styles and approaches. In this way he can fulfil his own desire for continuous learning whilst embracing great ideas from around the world. To relax, he competes in mountain triathlons and enjoys leveraging the knowledge of his many colleagues who indulge in their own challenging sports.

Michael lives in England and works anywhere in the world where he can make a difference, have fun and stay true to his ethical standards.

Languages: English (native), International English

Education: BSc Manchester University, RAMS, RSME, MSc Nottingham University

Focus: Leadership Coaching, Team Development, Personality Diagnostics

Past experience: Royal Engineer, Manufacturing Consultant, Mountain Expedition Leader, Game Designer

Personal site: http://newnightconsulting.com/

Mobile: +41 79 435 1660

Skype: didiermarlier

5 Route du Village

1884 Villars-sur-Ollon

CH - Switzerland

“Engaging Leadership” has been written for leaders who are about to engage their organisations in change."

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